ANECCA Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa

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Handbook on Pædiatric AIDS in Africa by the African Network for the Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS – ANECCA

Fourth Edition 2017

As in the previous edition we sincerely thank the members and supporters of ANECCA for their tireless efforts in maintaining the momentum to build the capacity for comprehensive and quality services for prevention, care and treatment of HIV infection in children in Africa.Our members ‘efforts have been purely voluntary and we highly appreciate their contribution.Our hope is that like with the previous edition, the handbook will be widely disseminated andused as a valuable tool for the prevention, care and treatment of HIV in children.

The update of this edition was graciously supported by a regional grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for “Catalysing Increased Coverage and Quality of Services for Children and Adolescents living with HIV in Africa”.We also continue to thank USAID and the United States Government through the PEPFAR program for having supported the activities of ANECCA in the past including this handbook,and for funding ANECCA in its broader efforts to improve the care of HIV-affected and-infected children in Africa.

African Network for Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS