ANECCA Programmes

Our strategic plan prioritizes MNCAH, pediatric and adolescent HIV. It uses the MNCAH platform to integrate and harmonize pediatric, adolescent and young adults services. The MNCAH platform provides a unique opportunity to support treatment of common illnesses, and the management of long-term illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, tuberculosis and other non-communicable diseases that continue to affect women, children and adolescent in Africa.

Capacity Building and Strengthening for Implementing Partners

Capacity strengthening is premised on the six health systems strengthening building blocks with the aim of bridging the gap between supply and demand for quality integrated MNCAH, pediatric and adolescent HIV services. Priority areas include strengthening human resources for health, improving efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery, strategic information and knowledge management, and implementation research. Training will be conducted at national and regional levels, using different approaches ranging from short to long-term training courses, mentorship and technical support, exposure through workshops and study visits, and supportive supervisory visits. Quality Improvement approaches will be at the core of all capacity strengthening activities.

ANECCA aims at strengthening its own organizational capacity to deliver on its mandate. These include its membership, strategic partnerships, operational and management systems, and infrastructure including development of its own offices and training centre.

Service Delivery

ANECCA seeks to strengthen innovative strategies to intensify demand creation, increase client and geographical coverage, ensure sustained access, utilization and retention of clients. Strategies will aim at promoting services integration, user-friendliness, efficiency and effectiveness. The strategic plan will also support community-based innovative strategies that will support addressing critical bottlenecks on access and utilization of services.

Strategic information and knowledge management

ANECCA aims at strengthening stakeholders’ efforts to generate, manage and utilize strategic information and knowledge to inform decision-making, programming, and decision making in policy formulation and resource allocation at all levels of service delivery. The strategic plan seeks to promote information management strategies that will bridge the gap between availability, quality, accessibility and use of strategic information.

Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health

The strategic plan is designed to strengthen health systems to ensure provision of quality integrated MNCAH, paediatric and adolescent services by reducing morbidity and mortality. Strengthened health systems will support scaling up coverage, access and utilization of quality comprehensive services.

Paediatric HIV (neonates and children 0-9 years)

Interventions will seek to eliminate mother to child transmission of HIV, and reduction of neonate and child mortality. Interventions will be premised on the child’s life cycle. Specific attention will also be paid to children transiting from childhood to adolescent and adolescents into adulthood.

Ending AIDS among Adolescents and Young adults

The focus of the strategic plan is to strengthen interventions that will accelerate HIV prevention, and improve linkages to care and in particular reduction of AIDS related deaths. The strategic plan targets adolescents (10-19) and young adults (20-24) living and affected by HIV. Emphasis will be on creating demand for prevention, treatment and care. Interventions will be premised on the combination prevention strategy (CPS)” approach.

African Network for Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS