The world currently holds the largest generation of young people in history:
1.8 billion adolescents and youth make up one quarter of the world’s population.
Fulling young people’s right to health care can create a powerful force for economic development and positive change in South Sudan.
This rapid assessment of gaps and strengths in HIV policies and guidelines in South Sudan is part of a seven-country grant from the Global Fund to fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria implemented by the African Network for Care of Chil- dren Affected by HIV/AIDS (ANNECA to improve coverage of quality services for children and adolescents living with HIV. The study aimed to review and assess existing national paediatric and adolescent HIV policies and guidelines in South Sudan to identify strengths and gaps in provision of quality services for children and adolescents living with HIV; to docu- ment best practices and opportunities within national policy frameworks strategies and guidelines in the provision of quality services for children and adolescents living with HIV in South Sudan; and to make recommendations that inform the development of national plans to promote the adoption and implementation of policies that increase coverage and quality of paediatric and adolescent HIV care treatment and support.
Download Full Report >> Assessment of Policy Gaps for Children and Adolescent HIV Services in South Sudan