All posts by Paul Gonzaga

HIV Counselling and Psycho social Care

ANECCA organised a Psychosocial care for children and adolescents training that offer a one-on-one engagement with children and adolescents effectively.Training was heavily practical, interactive. Participatory health care providers with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to provided psycho social care and counseling to HIV affected children and adolescents.    

Teen Club sessions

While lauding teen clubs, ALHIV in FGDs, particularly those participating in teen clubs not linked to ART clinic, indicated that there was potential for greater benefits if certain clinical services such as treatment of minor ailments and ART refills were offered during teen club sessions. Evidently, a participant from Mhuju health facility in Rumphi remarked:

Annual Report 2016/2017

Executive Summary This report presents the various activities that were planned and implemented by ANECCA during the financial year 2016/17. It also presents achievements registered, challenges and lessons learnt. Download Full Annual Report 2016-2017

Manuel sur le sida pédiatrique en Afrique

En Afrique, l’infection par le Virus de l’Immunodé cience Humaine (VIH) et le Syndrome d’Immunodé cience Acquise (SIDA) sont des causes importantes de mortalité et de morbidité chez le nourrisson et l’enfant. Dans le monde, en 2015, Sur les 36.7 millions de personnes vivant avec le VIH, 1.8 millions étaient des enfants de moins de

Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa

HIV/AIDS is a major cause of infant and childhood mortality and morbidity in Africa. Globally, of the 36.7 million people living with HIV, in 2015, 1.8 million were children under age of 15.years there were 150 000 new infections and 110 000 HIV-related deaths in this age group. Eighty- seven percent of all HIV infected

Regional Policy Review on Paediatric and Adolescent HIV Care

The global community has set the goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Recent data from UNAIDS postulate that only half of treatment-eligible children living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa are likely to receive antiretroviral therapy compared with HIV-positive adults. As compared to adults, adolescents are experiencing poorer outcomes , higher rates of mortality,