
Our Projects

Past Projects

2015-2019: A three-year regional project aimed at ‘Catalysing Access to quality services for Children and Adolescents living with HIV’. The over Three Million dollar project is implemented in 7 countries and funded by Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

2018-2019: A one-year 871,000 dollar UNICEF funded project with a goal to ‘Support to Uganda MOH for National Level Scale up of Quality eMTCT, EIMC, Paediatric and Adolescent Health and HIV services’. Paediatric AIDS in Africa:

2015-2017: A two-year 520,000 dollar UNICEF funded project titled ‘Support to Uganda MOH for National Level Scale up of Quality Adolescent HIV, sexual/reproductive health and Paediatric HIV Services’. ViiV HealthCare: Update and Printing of “Handbook of Paediatric AIDS in Africa” 3rd Edition”

2012-2013: World Vision Ethiopia funded ANECCA to provide technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia to scale up the paediatric component of the national Preventive Care Package (PCP).

2011-2013: MSH under the USAID funded ENHAT-CS project sub-granted ANECCA to provide mentorship to health workers in health centres of Amhara and Tigray regions of Ethiopia.

2010-2016: EGPAF funded ANECCA to conduct trainings of trainers and of service providers on psychosocial care and counseling HIV infected children and adolescents in Lesotho, Malawi, and Swaziland. In addition to providing Technical Assistance to Swaziland’s Ministry of Health to develop a national training curriculum for health care providers on HIV counseling and psychosocial support for children and adolescents. EGPAF also supported updating and printing of 2nd Edition of “Handbook of Paediatric AIDS in Africa:

2009-2011: USAID Ethiopia gave a grant to ANECCA to scale up paediatric HIV care, support and treatment services at health centre level in five regions of Ethiopia.

2007-2008: CRS/AIDS Relief partnered with ANECCA and developed a training curriculum for psychosocial care and Counseling HIV infected children and adolescents. The curriculum has been used to train service providers and trainers for counseling HIV infected children in 11 countries in Africa.

Research Projects

2015-2016: Assessment of Adolescent HIV services in Uganda using the “ALL-IN” Framework

2016: Review of national policies and guidelines for paediatric and adolescent HIV care in 7 countries – Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

2016: Rapid assessment of training needs and mentorship approaches of health care workers involved in paediatric and adolescent HIV care in 7 countries

2008: ANECCA conducted a study to validate the utility of the 2006 WHO criteria for presumptive diagnosis of severe HIV disease in infants less than 18 months of age in Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. The results were used to strengthen the evidence for maintaining the recommendation in the WHO 2010 guidelines to initiate treatment based on a presumptive diagnosis for infants in settings where HIV DNA PCR testing is not available.

2005: USAID/East Africa and NIH funded ANECCA and its partners under the KIDS-ART-LINC collaboration established an international multi-center collaboration on children on ART in low-income countries aimed at examining issues of children on HAART in Africa by examining both clinical and programmatic factors that could affect long-term outcomes.

African Network for Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS