Category Page: Our Projects

UNICEF funded project for National Level Scale up of Quality Adolescent HIV, sexual/reproductive health and Paediatric HIV services


UNICEF funded ANECCA to provide technical assistance to Uganda Ministry of Health for National Level Scale up of Quality Adolescent HIV, sexual/reproductive health and Paediatric HIV services for the period of 2016 and 2017. ANECCA has so far supported the Ministry of Health in the following areas;

Accomplishments under UNICEF project;

  • Conducted country-wide assessment of services for adolescents conducted and priority actions for accelerating and improving the quality of adolescent services.
  • Supported supervision activities by regional performance monitoring, implementing partners and central MOH teams to collect adolescent SRH/HIV service delivery data
  • Developed and disseminated national paediatric HIV and adolescent care and treatment service provider mentoring toolkit to scale up quality services.
  • A freely accessible mobile device Application (App) of the national paediatric and adolescent HIV care and treatment service provider mentoring tool kit
  • Developed and disseminated a Clinical Job Aide (Handbook on Paediatric AIDS in Africa – 2014) to scale up quality services.
  • Trained national and regional paediatric and adolescent HIV trainers and Ministry of Health Regional Performance Monitoring teams (RPMTs) on use of the national paediatric HIV and adolescent care and treatment service provider mentoring tool kit.
  • Developed and disseminated a national and district level pediatric HIV care and treatment services scale up plan with M&E framework
  • Conduct regional paediatric HIV care and treatment QI performance review workshops

Organize the  Annual joint paediatric HIV care and treatment and PMTCT workshop

Global Fund

Global Fund Project

ANECCA received a grant from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to implement a regional project on “Catalyzing Access to quality services for Children and Adolescents living with HIV”. This regional project provides a unique opportunity to capitalize on pediatric and adolescent expertise across the continent to address disparities in access to care and treatment for children and adolescents. The project is being implemented in 7 African countries i.e. Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Malawi.

ANECCA has implemented major activities in all the seven countries since the start of the project and these include;

  • Accomplishments in 7 African Countries
    • Engage regional and national stakeholders by ANECCA in Paediatric and adolescent HIV care, treatment and support
    • Review national policies and guidelines for paediatric and adolescent HIV care
    • Coordinate regional dialogue with stakeholders on the national policy gaps, agree on changes in paediatric and adolescent HIV care and developed a regional position paper for advocacy.
    • Trained health care providers in Paediatric and adolescent HIV care, treatment and support
    • Supported HIV infected children, adolescents, health workers, and social workers to share evidence and experiences on HIV care/support and treatment at national meetings
    • Oriented workers in social and community service organizations in paediatric and adolescent HIV care, treatment and support
    • Conducted rapid assessments of the training needs for adolescent HIV services
    • Developed training and mentorship materials for health care and social workers in the provision of adolescent HIV care and treatment
    • Organize think tank meetings to document and share innovative approaches and best practices in paediatrics and adolescent HIV care
    • Support cross site inter-country visits to learn and share experiences on innovative approaches and best practices in paediatrics and adolescent HIV care