Category Page: Programmes

National Training of Trainers

ANECCA through the support of the global fund has conducted regional trainers of Trainers (TOT) in different countries where persons are engaged in an in-depth competence building training, as Regional Trainers, for all the seven countries. In a bid to roll out the training in-country, ANECCA is continuously   working together with Ministry of Health in the different countries to build capacity as well as at a national level of health care providers, referred to as Master Trainers, so as to sustain this effort. The aim of these trainings is to improve comprehensive care and support for children and adolescents.


ANECCA with the support of UNICEF has organized a mentorship session for the people in areas such as Karamoja to improve ways of monitoring HIV testing including Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) and Viral Load (VL) in order to improve identification of new HIV cases in children, adolescents, mothers and other adults. Uganda has established the national quality assurance system for Point of care testing to increase access to Point of care (POC) External Quality Assurance (EQA ). In order to have successful implementation, there is need to train a pool of trainers who were used to roll out the EQA services at facility level.

Paediatric and Adolescent ART Coverage

ANECCA is working in collaboration with, MOH discussed the ART initiation and retention. Ante-retroviral Therapy (ART) due to low paediatric and adolescent ART coverage. ANECCA teams across the 7 countries were catalyzing implementers whose aim is to increase coverage and quality of HIV service delivery

Training Health Workers

This curriculum for training health workers has been designed by ANECCA to respond to knowledge, attitudes and skills gaps of health care providers in the provision of HIV counseling and psychological care for children and adolescents.



Orientation of CSOs

ANECCA has planned to orient CSO organization in basic HIV counseling and PSS support for children and adolescents. The gained skills will bridge the gap in psychosocial care at a community level and advocacy for the psychosocial care and support of children and adolescents at all levels.PSS care and counseling TOT for children and adolescents in Uganda Dec 2016. The ANECCA through a technical team from the secretariat, complimented and supervised the Tanzanian  National training of trainers team. The facilitation team has a wealth of experience in Pediatric/Adolescent Care and Management in general and Psychosocial Care and Counseling for Children and Adolescents in particular Development of Curricular and Training Materials Country/Regional Level Training of Trainers.

HIV Counselling and Psycho social Care

ANECCA organised a Psychosocial care for children and adolescents training that offer a one-on-one engagement with children and adolescents effectively.Training was heavily practical, interactive. Participatory health care providers with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to provided psycho social care and counseling to HIV affected children and adolescents.